Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pop Quiz

Put everything away except for a pencil; it’s time for a quiz. I’m going to need complete silence until everyone is finished. Please be respectful of your classmates. Here we go:


1) Yesterday everyone lost bathroom privileges after someone dumped the contents of a garbage can in the toilet.

A) Prison
B) Middle School

2) 20 minutes of work time were lost when someone farted [twice].  

A) Pre-School
B) Middle School

3) A mysterious person has been popping jelly packets on the floor every day for a week.

A) Mental Hospital
B) Middle School

How did you do? Check back later for answers.

1 comment:

  1. I had a fake farter yesterday.
    Did I mention I teach high school seniors?


I like comments because they prove that someone is actually reading this.