Monday, February 24, 2014

The price of stupidity.

Something has happened to me, everyone. There's been a significant change in the brain-area of my head . . . a bad change.

My brain got dumb.

I used to have a smart brain, everyone. I did well in school. I got a 4 on my AP US History test for goodness sake. A four! It was a big deal. My mom was so happy.

But somewhere between 1998 and yesterday, my brain stopped being smart and started to get really stupid.


I was in Chicago this weekend, and when I went to check-in for my return flight, the kiosk could not locate my reservation.  I kept swiping my card, and typing in my confirmation code, and still nothing happened. I was annoyed, thinking the problem was with the airline. It did not occur to me that the problem was with my brain.

As I walked up to the ticketing desk to ask for help, I re-read the confirmation email. Lo and behold, my one-night Chicago trip -- February 22nd-23rd -- was actually a one-month trip: February 22nd-MARCH 23rd. I actually booked the return ticket for March without realizing it.

You guys, that is like 29 more days than I intended.

Thankfully the ticket agent agreed that a month-long stay was a little excessive for someone with small children and job, so she switched the ticket for a $49 fee. But do you know what that means? It means I spent $49 on being stupid.

Naturally I'm concerned.  I can't afford to be that stupid every day.

As a preventative measure, I have started to play the "QuizUp" app obsessively. Have you guys tried it? It's a trivia app and it's amazing. I'm certain it will make me less dumb shortly. So if anyone is suffering from symptoms similar to mine -- and I am sorry for you -- then check it out!

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