Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

This year will be my third Mother's Day as a real-life mother, or, as I like to refer to it, the three-year anniversary of the time my husband bought me a garbage can for Mother's Day.

[In case I have not mentioned it before, my life-partner does not read this blog. I am therefore making this joke at his expense, knowing full-well he will not like it, because it's like a fun game for me. One day he'll decide to sit down and start reading, and then BAM! I'm in the dog house. But when will that happen? WHEN? I don't know! Eeeeeee!]

So yes, he bought me a garbage can for my first Mother's Day, and I will never let it go. He came in from the store, all proud, "Here, honey, a new garbage can!" and then when I did not seem impressed he told me that, no no, it was an expensive garbage can. Well. That did not sit well either because I am pretty stingy, and the idea of spending a lot of money on a garbage can actually angered me. It was a comedy of errors, I tell you.

Now I admit that it is a pretty nice garbage can. I am sincerely glad we have it. It really ... holds our garbage. My point was that I didn't see it as a gift, per say, but rather a household necessity that could have been picked up by either one of us at any time. He saw it as a . . . I'm not sure. Something nice. He is a nice person who likes to be nice to me and I love him very much. And did I mention he is handsome and has nice eyes?

I hope everyone has a lovely Mother's Day/Garbage Can Day!

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