Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Could Maybe Do It!

Do you guys remember when I was a teacher? And I actually worked five days a week teaching school? I do not.

Fun fact: in the month of January I have taught school seven days. It would have been twelve, but I was gone for one week on the environmental learning trip. So that's it: seven. I'm assuming Mother Nature will CALM DOWN and we'll go back tomorrow, so I'll close out the month with a grand total of ten days spent in the classroom. But I got paid for all of them. (Insert tacky anti-teacher joke here.)

In addition to watching the world freeze everyday, we've had some other excitement in our house. My husband was part of a massive layoff, putting us in position to live off my teacher's salary for the next few months. This was stressful news, so naturally I flew into action. I rolled up my sleeves, tied my hair back in a kerchief, and started clipping coupons. 

It was exciting. I felt like I was in the opening scene of The Full Monty (the musical, not the movie) and I was ready to take on a life of financial hardship. I even took another job coaching basketball after school -- NO JOKE.

This all happened in about 48 hours. 

On the third day of my Depression-era lifestyle, my husband went out and landed himself a new, higher-paying job. Because that's just the kind of guys he is. So . . . I guess we're fine now. We're eating cheap bread for nothing.

Unfortunately for a bunch of twelve-year-old girls, however; I am still their basketball coach. And I am really bad at basketball. 


  1. Super excited to hear how the girls basketball coaching goes! My coach in elementary school had never coached before and we had the best time! She had us warm up for practice by doing Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies.


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