Friday, August 30, 2013

"Can I start a room for you?"

Photo from HERE.
This is going to be a good post because, while I am writing it, my child is screaming in the next room protesting a much-needed nap. The sound of his shrill wailing leaves me totally at ease and ready to form complete, clever, thoughtful sentences.


It's been a hectic week with the transition back to "working mom" from "stay-at-home mom." Summer was delightful and, at times, terrible -- just as I predicted in this post. The part about standing in the pool bathroom with poop on my hands actually happened, you guys. Am I some sort of modern-day soothsayer? AM I????

Then again, if I really were a soothsayer, I might have talked myself out of a certain shopping-spree I went on last weekend.

And there is my transition.

A while ago, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and shop at a store that doesn't also sell candy in the check-out line.

Now I am second-guessing that decision, because I am poor.

My main issue with high-end clothing retailers is that the people who work there are way too intense for my comfort level. I prefer warehouse-sized bargain basements where no one will help you even when you want them to very badly. Even if you are on fire.

After my brief interaction with a certain sales woman, you would have thought we were best friends. You would've thought we were going to meet up for coffee this week. You would've thought we were planning a girls' trip to Cabo this spring. But we're not, because it was all a lie. She didn't care about me. She just wanted my money. I feel so used.

And poor.

And, B.T.W., Jessica, the black dress does NOT make my waist look tiny. LIAR!

That's all. I have to go give-in to my baby now.

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