Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blondes: What's up with them?

Hello, hi, sorry, hi.

I bet when I wrote “Catch you guys after the bell rings!” you thought I meant that day. Well I thought I meant that, too, but I was wrong, because the last few days have been crazy. Starting a new school year is a lot of work, it turns out. Kids are super needy at the beginning of the year. “Where’s my class? What notebook do I need? Is there homework? Am I adopted? Where do babies come from?” Etc. etc. etc.

You get the idea.

I’ve taught many students over the year, and after meeting this year’s crop, I’ve developed a little theory. It’s kind of strange, but here is the essential question behind it:

Why are all blonde girls tiny?

Each year I have a handful of blonde female students, and I swear, 90% of the time they are also petite in stature. Why?

Even when I think of my friends from growing up who were blonde, most of them were also small. In fact they were small, blonde, and cute: the ultimate trifecta.

Is there something about the blonde-hair genes that also causes overall cute petite-ness?

Because if there is a connection, that’s kind of stacking the deck.  I mean, come on. Leave some for the rest of us, right?

Has this been your experience?

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