Thursday, October 23, 2014

Teacher Diaries: Is This Thing On?


There is a student in one of my classes who is hard of hearing. He wears special hearing aids at school that interact with a small microphone we, his teachers, wear during class. It's pretty high-tech and sweet.

I guess I always knew that, one day, I would do something to embarrass myself involving this microphone system. I wasn't sure what, but definitely something. 

That day has arrived.

Allow me to set the scene: After a long morning of changing lives through the power of education, I visit the restroom. As I am urinating, I look down and notice the microphone clipped to my shirt.

The microphone is on.

My student is hearing the sounds of my urination.

I am mortified.

I quickly turned off the device, before the dead-giveaway sound of the flush. I quickly washed my hands, walked to his next class, and left the microphone on the desk of his next teacher.

He has said nothing about it; I will say nothing about it, and it will be like this never, ever happened. 

Except for the fact that I just told you all about it. 

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