Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Things I Thought I Would Do Over the Last Six Months, But That I Did Not Actually Do

You may have thought that I took a break from blogging so that I could accomplish other things in my life. Like, for example, some home remodeling, or pinteresting crafts, or perhaps some charity work.

Well I didn't. I just did the normal stuff I do, and the time I would usually spend writing, I spent doing this puzzle:

That's 2,000 pieces, baby! Well . . . 1,999. Either this puzzle came with a piece missing, or one of the smaller, sticky-fingered members of my household ingested part of the southern Atlantic. We searched for that piece for days. It was like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 up in here. (Too soon?)

So yes, it was not a productive summer/hiatus, but I did learn a lot about world geography.

And here is a condensed list of things I meant to do over the break that did not get done:

1. Shower every day
2. Clean my house
3. Run more than two miles without "cramping up"
4. Paint my kitchen
5. Write thank-you notes for any gifts received in the last three years
6. Send the baby/wedding/graduation gifts that have been sitting on my dining room table for four months
7. Eat vegetables
8. Text people back
9. Call people back
10. Get that last bit of 6-month old toenail polish off my toes

But I did go swimming a lot! And I rode on a boat once. So that's something.

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