Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Teacher Diaries: A Series

In case you forgot, when I am not writing blog posts, I am often doing the most hilarious job that exists: teaching 7th grade.

Teaching 7th grade is the most hilarious job that exists because 7th graders are, on the whole, ridiculous human beings who don't have full-access to their brains because of some serious puberty-related renovations going on in there.

So I thought, with respect to my beloved students, I might occasionally share a little tidbit from the world of middle school. Here is one such tidbit.

The other day, one of my students was standing at my desk asking some clarifying questions about her homework assignment. She was chewing gum (which I hate incidentally, as proven here) and at one point that wad of gum she was chewing flew from her mouth and into my lap. She just fully spit her gum out and onto my person.

I was horrified. She was horrified. Who do you think was more horrified? Fill in your responses below.

Also, I am still waiting for this post to go viral. Pass it on, guys!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I'm so glad you're back to the blog. I'm not against him but I'm very against someone else's gum in my lap.

    I'm very into your memes.


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