Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Facebook Purge

Yesterday I read that Jimmy Kimmel was promoting "National Unfriend Day" for Facebook users. He suggests we make this an annual holiday, on which people are encouraged to de-friend anyone whose online persona has grown wearisome.

It's not a terrible idea. But get this: I have my own, slightly-better idea. 

Have you heard of that horror movie "The Purge"?

"The Purge," from what I understand, is about a dystopian future in which every year, for 12 hours, all criminal activity is completely legal. That way everyone sort of "gets it out of their systems" and the rest of the year is crime-free.

What do you think? Good idea? Well, if you've seen the movie (which of course I did not) I'm pretty sure you find out that this is not a good idea -- but it did inspire my good idea:

What if, every year, there was a 12-hour period during which you could make any comment you want on Facebook and no one was allowed to get mad?

Can you imagine the pure freedom? The unadulterated sass that would take place?

If you know someone who posts five selfies a day, you could just click on one and say "Hey Becca, no one cares!" and then like your own comment. Boo-ya.

And when someone posts something you disagree with politically, you could just write "Read a book, moron!" and they couldn't be mad. They just couldn't.

Wouldn't that be amazing? I mean, in a mean way?

I think a "Facebook Purge" would help get some of this ugly cynicism "out of my system" so that I could be a kind person again, which might be nice. And furthermore, everything I write on the internet is smart and funny and perfect, so no one would say anything to me! Score!

(If you disagree with that statement, please keep it to yourself.)

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