Monday, November 24, 2014

The Paci Fairy: Hot or Not?

You'll never guess who visited my house yesterday. The Paci Fairy. Yep, The Paci Fairy stopped by my house to pick up the one, crusty pacifier that my two-year-old sleeps with every single nap and night. And I am on the fence about it.

First, some background: "The Paci Fairy" is a method some parents call upon to help their child give up his or her pacifier. Because one does not simply "take away" a child's pacifier. That is an insane idea. If you just took away your child's pacifier he or she would lose their mind and never trust you again and probably grow up to be a criminal with severe trust-issues. 

No, no. That will not do at all. You must call the Paci Fairy. 

The Paci Fairy is a nice fairy who collects used pacifiers if you leave them out for her (him? I don't want to be sexist), and in return she leaves you a present. What she does with the pacifiers, I don't know. They say she brings them to little babies who were just born and need them, but that seems a little gross, doesn't it? I mean, my son has has a runny nose for the last two months.

Anyway, The Paci Fairy came to my house yesterday and took away my son's favorite sleeping companion and left him a weird Super Mario stuffed toy because apparently that is all she could find at Target for less than $10 and my son likes Mario for some reason (not because we let him play video games!!!!!!! Stop judging me!!!!!!!!).  And then I found out what happens when my son goes to sleep without a pacifier:

1. He cries. I mean, of course he cried. He cried when I left him, and it was really sad because he always just laid down and was perfect before. Stupid Paci Fairy!

2. He talks. Oh my gosh does this child talk. This is not a huge surprise because he talks all day long until my ears bleed, but, like I said, before he was just silent and went to sleep. Now, once he's done crying, he blabs and blabs and blabs. He blabs about Mario and Luigi and gold doubloons. He yammers on and on about cars, and banks, and Famous Daves. It's incessant.

3. Eventually, he sleeps.

So. Paci Fairy: Good or bad? Hit or miss? Hot or not? Maybe it’s too soon to tell. It’s only been one night, after all, but I am dubious. She seems kind of stupid.

Anyone else out there with Paci Fairy experience? How did that go for you? Maybe we should write her up on Angie’s List?


  1. Hah. My pediatrician has been encouraging me to break my four month old of her pacifier for all sleep habit, and I've been all, "Really? Isn't she a little young? What harm is it really doing?" I now see the error in that line of thought . . . better do it now while she won't remember. And while she doesn't talk.

  2. I think you're pretty safe at four months. My first child started to refuse it on his own when his teeth came in at six months, so hold out for that! Otherwise you can try your luck with The Paci Fairy when the time comes.


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