Monday, April 29, 2013

Frankel Rock

It’s teething season in our household! That means lots of crying, diaper rash and – if we’re lucky – diarrhea. We’re in a good place.

As I watch my son’s teeth slowly break through the surface, I am concerned about the pain it causes him. However, I am even more concerned about the placement of these new teeth. You see, when my spouse and I decided to procreate, we accepted the possibility that our children would inherit my teeth. This was not a decision to be taken lightly, as my teeth are deeply troubled on a psychological level.

I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to the woes of my orthodontic past. It’s one of those topics where I have trouble deciding what is interesting to everyone, and what is interesting only to me. That said, I will stick to the facts.

FACT: I had perfect baby teeth.

FACT: Once those teeth began falling out, all hell broke lose.

FACT: When I was six years old, an orthodontist put me in braces (including my remaining baby teeth).

FACT: When I was eight years old, I wore a frankel (pictured below).

FACT: My frankel was rainbow-colored with sparkles.

FACT: I still have it (pictured below).

FACT: My son plays with it because he doesn’t know how gross that is.

FACT: When I was nine years old, I had the rest of my baby teeth forcibly removed from my mouth and put into a small envelope.

FACT: When I was ten years old, two fake teeth were attached to my braces to fill in the gaps where the teeth did not grow back after the forced removal.

FACT: When I was thirteen years old, my orthodontist admitted he had no idea what he was doing and recommended I have my jaw reset through surgery.

FACT: For six weeks my jaw was wired shut so the bones could heal.

FACT: I had to eat Thanksgiving dinner through a syringe.

FACT: The oral maxillofacial surgeons who performed the surgery managed to undo all the bush-league orthodontics I’d been put through over the past eight years, and I was able to get my braces off before entering high school.

FACT: With no braces to hold my fake teeth, I got a retainer with teeth attached to it.

FACT: I used to take my teeth out as a party trick.

FACT: I did not get invited to a lot of parties.

FACT: People called me “McTeeth.”

FACT: After high school, I got “implants” (kind of like breast implants) and now my smile is like that of a real girl.


It should go without saying that all of this cost my parents quite a lot of money. The kind of money that I’m just not sure I have on me at the moment. So please, please Lord, let my sons inherit the straight, cavity-free, fully-intact teeth of their father. They can inherit my razor-sharp wit [toenails].

If anyone would like to borrow my frankel, please let me know. 

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that you and I had this teeth-pulling thing in common. I had 9 baby teeth and 8 adult teeth pulled for orthodontic reasons!!


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