Friday, April 26, 2013

Grammar Can Be Fun

Writing this blog, I do my best to use proper grammar. I try not to end sentences in prepositions, or split the infinitive, or mess up the use of "lay" and "lie." This is a labor of love, because I like being correct, I like being clear, and I like being better than other people.

That last sentence was meant as a joke, but I realize that by being conscientious of grammar I run the risk of becoming a very annoying person. Because it is universally-known that people who correct other people's grammar are a pain in the ass.

The way I see it, only three groups of people should be allowed to correct your grammar:

1. Your parents
2. Your teachers
3. Anyone whom you've asked to look over something you've written (was that supposed to be "who"? I am freaking out right now.)

Hopefully the people on this list will do a good job because, after that, you are on your own. [You'll notice I did not include "spouses" on the list. That is because when you correct another person's grammar you become instantly unattractive to that person. Fact.]

So anyway, when my lovely friend Kat introduced me to this [now retired] blog, and I encountered this post, I felt like I'd encountered a kindred spirit. You should check it out. 

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