Thursday, April 25, 2013

Suspicious Eyes

This is a little “FYI” for all the naughty people in the world – if you are up to no good, it is not advisable to look directly at the person from whom you are hiding it.

When my child or my students are being sneaky and trying to get away with something, they always stare at me. They think if they keep an eye on me, then they won’t get caught. But in reality, they wouldn’t even be on my radar if they weren’t burning holes through me with their eyes.

Is there anything more suspicious than someone staring at you for no apparent reason? 

Exhibit A: In the hallways at school

Exhibit B: Reading Time

 Exhibit C: Play time

I shouldn't even be telling you this. I don't want the naughty to succeed in their efforts, but I am sick of having to step in all the time. So just get a way with a few things, now and then, and lighten my work load. Please. 

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