Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Emotional Comedy

After yesterday's "radio silence," I've decided never to confess anything to you guys ever again. I've also decided not to draw things beyond my artistic ability ever again (I realized later that when most people drink they keep their bottom lip outside the glass -- oops). But, guilt trips aside, what's up?

Nothing much?


A student told me to look up this link on YouTube last week. I was hesitant, because I've been burned my student-YouTube recommendations before. (How many times can one watch a horse get hit by a race car, really?) But this was actually worth it.

You should know in advance that this clip will play with your emotions, and not in a nice, gentle way. Be strong and I'll see you on the other side.

Link for those on mobile devices.

Did you watch it? Are you okay? I think it's pretty funny. Don't be mad.


  1. I am always glad that mouse is okay and then I realize I am powerless to keep strong mice out of my house. Where is the happy medium?


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