Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunshine and Lollipops


Just kidding I would never write that earnestly.

This Monday was actually off to kind of a bad start. I realized I left a library book on an airplane yesterday. That's right, a library book. I read those because I am from 1970. And now it is probably lost forever and I don't know what to do. The librarian is going to be so mad at me, you guys.

Second, I am a bit fatigued after spending this weekend at a college-friend's wedding. It was really fun, but somewhere along the way I got confused and thought I was actually in college. At one point Taylor Swift's song "22" came on, and I was like "Yeah! I AM feeling 22!" and I actually said that, out loud, to people I respect. That's the kind of night it was.

The next day I woke up and my body was like "I hate you" and I was like "No, I hate you" and now here we are: Monday.

At this point you are rightfully wondering why, after that litany of misfortune, I would choose the title "Sunshine and Lollipops." Well guess what? Everything is better because I WON A CONTEST today! I never win things. I know people always say that, but I also am saying it.

I entered a giveaway on my favorite blog and I won! I get a special cookbook that one day will prevent me from sending my child to school with a thermos full of Sunny D and a cold hot dog. 

It's a little embarrassing how excited I am. 

So, I should probably do a giveaway on this blog, too, right? It's what all the cool bloggers are doing, after all. But what would I give away? Sunny D, maybe? A stolen library book?

Suggestions welcome.




  1. SIRIously awesome that you won the giveaway!! I think that means you will be BFFs now!


  2. think you should frame one of your art pieces to give away.


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