Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm back!

I snap a quick pic when a child falls to his knees in desperation. 
Well everyone, I survived my week in the North Woods, helping children tie their snow boots and put on mittens. It was a success. I was not able to tweet as much as I would've liked -- as it turns out, there is not much cell coverage in the middle of nowhere -- but I did manage a couple that you can see here

Updates on my hopes for the trip:

1) I heard someone barfed in a funny way, but I was not there to witness it. I also did not have to clean it up as it happened on a frozen lake. I think nature had to clean that one up. 

2) I saw two kids sit next to each other during snack and was informed that they "like-like" each other. I could tell by the way they didn't look or talk to one another. 

3) The students did love the Frozen soundtrack as much as I do! On the last night one of them sang "Let It Go" for a talent show. However she prefaced the performance with "to everyone who loves Frozen as much as I do, please don't sing along."  Ouch.

4) No one made me climb the rock wall. I was needed on the ground to prevent children from letting each other fall to their deaths. 

5) There were many cookies and delicious food items to share. Each night after the students went to bed, an elaborate buffet was brought out for all of the adults. It was a little sad. But I did not let my sadness deter me from eating Swedish meatballs at 10:30 PM. 

Overall I enjoyed my week as a pseudo camp counselor, but now I am back and ready to talk about something else!  So stay tuned in! 

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