Sunday, January 12, 2014

Well my bags are packed, I'm ready to go . . .

Tomorrow I leave for the delayed week-long experience of discovering the outdoors with eleven and twelve year olds. I will be live-tweeting the experience (I think --- still not totally sure what constitutes "live-tweeting") so as to keep you abreast of what's going on with me. You can follow these pertinent updates at @thelazystandup or on my Facebook page.

My hopes for the week:

1) I hope someone barfs in a really funny way, and that I don't have to help clean it up.

2) I hope I see someone get asked to "go with" someone else.

3) I hope the kids want to sing the Frozen soundtrack as much as I do.

4) I hope no one makes me climb the rock wall.

5) I hope one of the adults brings good cookies to share.

Tune in to find out what happens!

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