Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME.

You guys, I was born on this day thirty-three years ago. It's a big deal. 

When I was little, all I wanted for my birthday was a party at Showbiz (the poor man's Chuck-E-Cheese). Of course, this dream never came true because two separate Showbizzes (sp?) closed right before my birthday in two different years. That seems pretty fishy in retrospect, doesn't it? Mom? Care to weigh in on this mysterious coincidence?

Both times I ended up celebrating at McDonald's instead, where the big game was to see how many Styrofoam containers a person could stack before they fell over. That is to say, we stacked trash.

I'm being totally serious right now.

And now that I've officially gained your sympathy for failed birthdays past, I think I can ask you for one very special birthday wish. Here it is: will you email me a terrible birthday story? I'm going to compile some sad-sack anecdotes because I think it would be funny. Laugh through the pain, right? Here are some ideas:

1. Failed birthday parties
2. Failed birthday gifts
3. Bad birthday luck

I know you've got at least one . . . so send them to Come on. For my birthday?

1 comment:

  1. Man, Showbiz Pizza. That place was amazing. I never got a party there.

    Heck, to me, getting a McDonalds party was a big deal! That's what the cool kids got.


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