Tuesday, April 23, 2013


You know how sometimes you find out you're a freak? You live your life thinking "the things I do are normal" and then one day the illusion comes crashing down around you when you realize that adults don't get milk-mustaches. 

I'm not talking about cool "Got Milk?" mustaches. I'm talking about regular milk (or Kool-Aid, or CranApple Juice, or Purple Stuff) mustaches, the kind small children get because they don't know how to properly drink from a cup. I get those. Me. And I'm not five.

I was sitting there with my friends, drinking a refreshing drink, when someone goes "Um, you have a drink mustache." I'm like, yeah, I always get those! And everyone else was like "How?" and I was like, I don't know. And they were like "That's weird." And I was like oh.

And that is how I found out that I am a weirdo who drinks in a weird way. Allow me to explain:

I prefer drinking this way because it allows me to use powerful suction to draw the drink into my mouth, like a straw:
I think maybe I do this because when I was in 8th grade I had jaw surgery and my jaw was wired shut for six weeks. But I'm not sure. All I know is that I prefer to drink this way, even if it has some negative side effects:
I needed to get that off my chest. If you're completely thrown-off and prefer not to follow the blog anymore, I understand. But you should know that makes you a jerk.

Also, does anyone else drink this way? Please. Someone has to. 

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