Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tummy Tyrant

A long time ago, when we began the potty-training process, I made the critical mistake of referring to my son's tummy as its own entity. I consulted "Tummy" when it came to digestive issues in an attempt to make my child listen to his bodily urges. For example "Are you sure you don't have to go potty? [Yes, Mommy.] Check with your tummy. Does your tummy need to go potty?" etc.

Later, we added to the "Tummy" situation when we consulted it, rather than my son directly, regarding issues of hunger:

"Is your tummy hungry? Oh man, I can hear your tummy growling!" Etc.

Through this, we have inadvertently convinced my son that "Tummy" is a separate person inside him who calls the shots. Now when he orders me to make him lunch, or weasels out of using the bathroom, it's not him doing it, it's Tummy.

P.S. Tummy is a total dick.

Now I find myself getting in arguments with Tummy while my son mediates. He's just an innocent bystander, caught in the middle, while Tummy makes demands. (Incidentally, Tummy has the voice of a scary monster.)

     Son: Mommy, my Tummy says (scary monster voice): I'm hungry for a treat!

     Me: You just had breakfast. Tell Tummy it's not time for eating right now.

     Son: Tummy, it's not time for eating now. (Scary monster voice) But I'm still hungry; I want juice! (Normal voice) Mommy, Tummy says he still wants juice.
     Me: Please tell Tummy to shut the hell up and let me use the bathroom in peace.

That last line is actually just in my head, but you get the idea. It's like I live in a mental institution. We need a Tummy exorcist.

Also, if this ends up being my son's imaginary friend, that's disappointing. I mean, an internal organ? Really? Why not a superhero or a unicorn or something? I don't know. I want to support him in his creativity, but this Tummy guy has got to GO.

Oh my god; Tummy is coming. I need to find some crackers. Talk to you guys later.

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