Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Funniest Story Ever

Today is my son’s 3rd birthday, and in honor of him I am going to write the funniest story ever. He and I worked together on this extensively while driving home from daycare the other day.

 I think it’s pretty clear that he is a budding comic genius. Here we go.


Once there was a turtle named Computer Towel Water Bottle. Computer Towel Water Bottle was on his way to a party when he saw glowing eyes and it was a GHOST. He was so scared he ran away but then he got stuck in some mud. A porcupine came and helped him out, but then they both got stuck in a pair of shoes. The wind came and blew them up in the sky and there was another ghost and Captain Hook came and said “Arrr I stole your treasure, Matey” and then they all got stuck in some mud AGAIN. Finally they arrived at the party but it was a funny party with NO CAKE and NO FOOD! They said “Hey we want some cake” so they left but then they all got stuck in a TREE! While they were up in the tree they jumped up in the roof and then fell into a big hole, which turned out to be a Jake and the Neverland Pirates water bottle. So they jumped up into the roof AGAIN and then fire came and they jumped in the fire! They were so hot! And then they got stuck in a FENCE!

The End.

1 comment:

  1. The old deus ex machina of everyone getting stuck in a fence? Way to rip off every book ever written.

    That hackishness aside, I love everything about this story. Like ridiculous amounts.


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