Thursday, June 20, 2013

Clean Slate

Let's be honest for a moment, shall we? If nothing else, this blog is all about honesty and truth-bombs. So here's a truth bomb for you: I never clean my shower.

Well, almost never. Because I just cleaned it. But that is probably the second time I've cleaned it since we moved in almost three years ago.

You're judging me. I can feel you judging me.

Look, I've wiped the tub edges before. But scrubbing? The tile? The tub? No. I have not been doing much of that. And it's gross and I'm gross and I'll understand if you don't want to see me anymore.

I don't know why I don't clean the shower. I also don't listen to my voicemail. It's a weird avoidance thing where if I don't start it then I won't have to do it. (Actually, not that weird.) But there does come a time enough is enough and the shower must be cleaned. Similarly, if you leave me enough messages, I will eventually call you back.

So I haven't been cleaning my shower because I didn't want it to be added to the list of things I feel like I need to be doing all the time. But now that is ruined because I cleaned it tonight, and have consequently decided that cleaning my shower -- the only shower in this home -- should probably be more than an annual thing.

Here is another truth bomb: I hate cleaning, and I do it constantly.
Here's an average week night: I decide to go to bed early because I am tired all the time. On my way to bed I notice the baby bottles are still soaking, so I have to rinse and dry them so I will be ready to make a bottle at 6AM.

While I'm cleaning the bottles, I notice the sink has weird food struck to it, so I start to scrub it. Then I see the crumbs on the floor, because there are literally always crumbs on my kitchen floor, so I decide to sweep those for a while. [This particular task relates directly to my fear/disdain for bugs.]

After giving the kitchen a thorough once-over, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth while I lament the dust on the light fixtures and try to decide whether or not the vacuum would wake my children.

When I finally get to my bedroom, I notice more dust bunnies in the corner and laundry that needs to be put away and it just never ends. How is there so much dust in my house?

So anyway, if anyone would like to contribute to this new fund called "Get me a cleaning service" I am officially accepting donations. Just think: the less time I spend cleaning the more time I can spend writing! It's all for you.

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