Thursday, June 27, 2013

Grey-Area Anatomy

Have I mentioned lately how hilarious Jim Gaffigan is? I am reading his book Dad is Fat whenever I have the chance, and I love it. Like, L-O-V-E-love. Next there will be marriage and possibly a baby in the baby carriage.

A favorite line:
 "Whoever came up with the term 'terrible twos' must have felt very foolish after their kid turned three."

Jim, you beautiful genius.

Anyway, I know it seems like all I write about it parenting lately, but that is because all I've been doing lately in parenting. So please bear with me and read this short, embarrassing anecdote:

Recently I was getting my three-year-old his breakfast when he said to me: Mommy, why is your tummy still big? Did a piece of the baby get stuck in there and not come out?

. . .

He said that to my FACE. His own mother. Who was making him breakfast at the time.

Later it was discovered that he was referring to my boobs, which he thinks are part of my tummy, which I do not correct him on because I don't feel like it.

I promise the next thing I write will not have to do with parenting. I promise. I think it might have something to do with food. Food's a universal topic, right?

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