Monday, July 22, 2013

Comedy Bang Bang

I know, I never write about comedy anymore. This is because 1) my favorite shows are on summer hiatus, and 2) I never see any movies or stand-up or leave my house.

But there is a sunny spot in this pathetic comedy wasteland, and that is Comedy Bang Bang.  It's on IFC, and it's back! Have you seen it?

You should! Or maybe you shouldn't. In my mind, it is genius. In your mind, it might be stupid. If I could compare it to something else, I would, but it is not like anything else. It is weird, and I love it.

Speaking of things I love, put Jon Hamm at the top of that list. I specifically love him when he does comedy. Which is why I am also excited about this movie.

I also want to see "This is the end" in the theater. Any thoughts on that? Am I crazy?

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