Thursday, August 22, 2013

Exciting Self-Promotion!

Remember when I created a Twitter account (@thelazystandup) and invited you to follow me?

Well, I just wanted to say thank-you to the three people who did. Thanks, three people. I appreciate it.

You know, I'm thinking Twitter may not be the way to go. I'm assuming the lack of interest was due to most of you not being on Twitter, instead of the alternative theory: that you don't like me.

But I know where a lot of you are: Facebook. You can't stay away from Facebook, can you? Well, now you can follow the blog there, simply by "liking" THIS PAGE! <-- Click that, Mom.

You have to "like-like" it. Not just like it.

(Like, as in, click the LIKE button.)

Then you will get updates about the blog on your news feed! And maybe some funny status updates if I ever think of any! Doesn't that sound great? I know!

See you in the land Mark Zuckerberg built!

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