Thursday, February 13, 2014

10:56 on a Thursday Night . . .

I have about 85 research papers to grade, and I just can't seem to force myself to do it. I am sitting here doing pretty much everything else a person can do on a Thursday night just so later I can tell myself I was too busy to correct these papers. I mean really, I had to bake that breakfast cookie recipe tonight. It couldn't wait.

I think my avoidance is due to the fact that reading about the causes and effects of major historical events, as written by a seventh graders, is one of the most painful activities a person can endure. Did you know that one of the main causes of JFK's Assassination was that JFK was shot? Did you? I can't believe no one made a movie about this groundbreaking theory.

And one important effect of the Civil War was that the US was broke after spending all of its money on tanks.

Also commas are totally unnecessary in sentences even if your sentence is composed of many parts that could be considered separate thoughts no one cares about commas only my stupid English teacher uses commas she thinks she is better than everyone else!

Sorry I lost myself for a second there. I'm back now.

Anyway, it's pretty clear that I am using this blog entry as yet another form of procrastination. Do you feel used
? I apologize.

Have a happy Valentine's Day.

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