Tuesday, October 7, 2014

At long last . . .

And I'm into memes now! Just like five years after everyone else! So hip.

I know my hiatus went a little long, but you know, I had things to do. And while I was away, no fewer than two people complained to me about missing this blog, so, hello. Time to get back at it.

Another meme! Are you guys loving these as much as I am?


Why do I keep doing that? I don't even like cats. I think I'm nervous. It's been so long.

Anyway, I really do have some good stuff cooking for you all (no more memes), so please start checking back here a couple times a week. Start an RSS feed, whatever that is. And if you can figure out how to subscribe to this thing, let me know how that works. And don't forget to "like" me on Facebook! And follow me on twitter! And sign my yearbook! And walk my dog!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I subscribe and was thrilled to see two new entries in my email this week.


I like comments because they prove that someone is actually reading this.