Thursday, October 16, 2014

Horror Weds Hilarity and a Beautiful Child Is Born

Halloween is just around the corner.

Generally speaking, I like Halloween. I like seeing little kids in costumes, walking around with no idea how hilariously adorable they look. Is there anything better than a two-year-old walking around, holding his parent's hand, dressed up as Batman? Is there?

There is not.

But when it comes to scary things, like being scared, and scaring other people -- I am a strong "no thank you."

Some people love being scary, and feeling scared, and the sound of their hearts beating to the rhythm of the pee seeping into their pants -- but not me. I loathe being scared. I get angry when people try to scare me. If you pop out at me and yell "Gotcha!"--  my first instinct will be to never speak to you again. (My second instinct is to cry.)

The only way for me to tolerate something scary is if it is mixed with my favorite thing: comedy. Comedy and horror are wonderful together. For example, the "Scream" movies with Neve Campbell -- those were pretty good. Because even though I was scared, I was laughing as much as I was urinating. Sometimes I wasn't sure if the urine was induced by the fear or the laughter, and that's a great sign.

Another hilarious scary movie was "Cabin in the Woods" in 2012. That movie was incredibly funny, but also a little scary, and in the end, I -- the scardiest-scaredy-cat in all of Scaresville -- was fine. Success.

And now, I am very excited to announce that I have found a book that, despite being in many ways a horror story, was the funniest book I've read in a long time. I loved it.

That is a picture of the amazing book to which I refer.

It is also a picture of my sock!

All Animals Versus All Humans is a delightful mix of grisly death and hilarious satire. (Yes, such a mix exists!) I really liked it. I laughed a lot when I read it. It was very dark, and weird, and smart. Just like me -- minus the dark part. And the smart part.

Anyway, go buy this book on Amazon, and prepare to be horrified -- in a good way.

Link here.

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