Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blog Business & Some Funny Links

There have been a few changes on this blog, all due to the fact that somebody, to whom I may or may not be married, has started to read it. And because this somebody has professional experience in web and blog design, advice has been given, and heeded.

Most changes are small. The main difference is with the email subscribers who had previously been able to read the entire blog on their email message. Now, only a "teaser" will appear on the email, and you'll have to click on the title to read the full post on the site. This generates more site traffic, which is a good thing to nerds who blog.

Incidentally, if you'd like to get notifications of new posts in your email, just type your address in the box on the bottom right that says "Let Me Entertain You(r Inbox)" -- I came up with that clever heading myself. It was a proud day.

Finally, what would you think of a TheLazyStandUp twitter feed? Is anyone on Twitter besides famous people's assistants? I have an account set-up. If I get more than ten followers maybe I'll start managing it. Pornbots do not count.

And to close this post, during the writing of which an almost-ten-month-old has been climbing on me with admirable persistence, I will leave you with links about the many similarities between small children and drunk people. Have a nice day.




  1. Another funny baby/drunk people, from a mn native no less.

  2. I like the "Gypsy" reference!


I like comments because they prove that someone is actually reading this.