Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog Envy

Guys, I'm feeling inadequate.

No, not sexually. (Why does your mind always go there, weirdo?)

I'm feeling inadequate when it comes to blogging. In the last week I've read two amazing posts from blogs that are, let's just say it, about a billion times better than this one.

I'm going to share these posts with you because 1) they are funny, 2) they have good pictures, and 3) it would be selfish not to. But please, don't leave me for these bloggers. Stay with me. I'll be so good to you, baby. I'll make you dinner every night.

Now I'm being a weirdo. You're definitely going to leave me after that.

I'll be normal; I promise. Just read these:

1) The one that someone posted on Facebook the other day, and I can't stop thinking about it:

2) The one that is not necessarily insightful as much and just random and funny:

And I will try to be better.


  1. I would be interested to know who is behind "Wait But Why." It has 18 posts total, dating back only to July, yet it has 31,000 likes on Facebook? And if you look at the topics of the posts, it's like they were scientifically designed to offer the best possible chance of going viral.

  2. Hmm. You're right. It also makes me feel better to know s/he is not churning out that level of writing daily.

    1. It could be a team of writers for all we know.


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