Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Soccer Mom

You guys, I'm a soccer mom.

Pretty soon I'm going to go buy a big minivan and get one of those stick-figure families to stick on the back window and a sign that says "This is how I roll" with the picture of a soccer ball.

It's happening!

No really, I am a soccer mom because my three-year-old plays soccer once a week for 45 minutes and I go and I watch and it's the most amazing part of my week.

His team is made up of four boys and, I don't want to brag, we're UNDEFEATED. It's a pretty big deal obviously. And while it is of course a team effort, each child does bring his own skill set to the field. Allow me to introduce them:


Player 1:

Strengths: Kicking the ball far, being better than everyone else
Weaknesses: NONE
Average Goals per game: 25-50

Player 2:

Strengths: Understands what soccer is
Weaknesses: Bit of a flopper.
Average goals per game: 2.5

Player 3:

Strengths: Playing the game with both hands in pockets
Weakness: Not really into soccer in general
Average goals per game: 0-1

Player 4:

Strengths: Wearing the orange cones as a hat
Weakness: Staring at his mom the whole time
Average goals per game: Was not aware there were goals

With a line-up like that, it's tough to say who's the MVP. Clearly each boy is playing a key part in this team's success. And I'm not going to brag about which child is mine (Number 4) but I do think his charisma is giving the team a certain something. I mean, when he picks up a stick and plays it like a guitar while the other children run past him, it's like I see David Beckham standing before me. Or another, much better soccer player whose name I don't know.

It's magical. 

From now on, if you need me, I'll be in my minivan.


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