Monday, October 7, 2013


So . . . I had an embarrassing moment involving Facebook.

No, I wasn't searching for this one kid I knew in grade school, but instead of putting his name in the search box I accidentally posted it as my status for everyone to see (though I hear that's happened). I was actually just trying to send a message to my husband's cousin.

I recently sent this cousin a box of baby clothes, and I wanted notify her of its impending arrival as well as covey 1) that it was not not a big deal, 2) while I'm sure she can clothe her own baby I felt these clothes might be of use, 3) that I hoped it wasn't annoying, and 4) congratulations.

That is a lot convey, especially when typing in Facebook messenger on my phone.

At one point I was writing about a Halloween-themed outfit I included in the box, and I didn't want to seem bossy like "Oh here I picked out your child's first Halloween costume for you," so I decided to do something I never do, which is use an emoticon.

I hate emoticons, but I decided that in this particular instance a "smiley" at the end of the sentence would communicate that the Halloween outfit was just for fun and not some weird controlling thing I was doing.

[Are you freaked out by how much thought I put into simple messaging? I totally get that.]

I clicked the "smileys" button on the screen, and all these elaborate, large, faces popped up -- most of which I can't imagine needing (a sneeze face? how is that useful?) -- and I tried to click a basic smiley face to add to the end of my sentence. That is when the disaster struck.

Instead of adding a disarming little smiley face at the end of my sentence, it instantly sent her an enormous weeping face that looked like this.

What the what?

This might be a good time to mention that I don't really know my husband's cousin very well. I mean we've met, obviously, but we're not tight. And considering she just had this baby, and she's going back to work, and everything is chaotic and emotional in typical baby aftermath, receiving a giant weeping face with no explanation was probably kind of weird for her.

I picture her sitting there with a crying newborn in her arms, thinking those sad postpartum thoughts like "Can I really do this?" when suddenly her phone pings with a message. "Oh good" she thinks, "some supportive words from a caring friend." Then up pops the most depressing emoticon ever created, sent by her cousin's random wife.

I completely panicked and hurried to finish my message with a short explanation of the mysterious face. But it was too late. She was online, and soon I saw the message: Seen at 9:15.

She saw it. My justification came shortly afterwards, but that weird moment will live forever in time, making me look like a crazy weirdo.

Stupid emoticons!!!!!!!! >:(

What do you think? Am I a crazy weirdo, or would this be embarrassing to you, too?

Has anything embarrassing ever happened to you on Facebook?

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