Sunday, October 13, 2013

This one's for the ladies.

By now it's pretty clear that this blog is for men. I mean, most of my readers are dudes, and I always write about stuff like babes, and sports, and beer, and Band of Brothers. But this post is going to be different. Sorry, fellas, but this time I have to write something for the laydays.

Ladies, we've got problems, am I right? Boy-howdy. If it's not one thing, it's another. Mm-mm-mm. Lady problems, day and night.

Today I'd like to address one particular, very serious problem. It's something that women have been dealing with for generations, and it's caused a lot of pain. What I'm talking about is of course the underwire bra.

Now there is nothing wrong with underwire bras on the surface. They are functional, and nice-looking, in many cases very necessary. But they are dangerous, and here it why.

1) The wires eventually poke out
2) These wires are lethally sharp
3) There is no good way to fix the pokey wires

Must every bra come to this end? Bras are expensive. I always try to keep wearing them anyway, but then I spend all day pushing the wire back in again and again, which looks pretty awkward if you can imagine. Still, no matter what, by the end of the day I am cut up from that god-forsaken wire. 

Why can't companies manufacture stronger stitching or something? Maybe this is because I buy my underwear at Target, but still. Women deserve better. If men had to wear boxer shorts that occasionally wore-out and made little cuts on their wieners, you can bet someone would put an end to that noise. Especially when you consider how long men are prone to wear their boxer shorts.

So that's it then. Pass this along to your congressman or whoever, and let's see what we can do about this travesty. 

(Don't worry guys, I promise my next post will get back to my fantasy league.)

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