Friday, November 8, 2013

Day Off

Today was meant to be a productive day. I didn't have to work, and my son still went to preschool, so there is a golden opportunity to accomplish the many tasks that never seem to get done otherwise.

Here is how my day was meant to go:

6:45     Wake-up and breakfast
7:30     Leave to go to preschool
8:00     Get gas and a chai tea latte
8:30     Meet friend for brisk, aerobic walk
9:30     Go home put 1-year-old down for nap
10:00    Laundry
10:30    Interactive/brain-stimulating play with 1-year-old
11:30    Nutritious homemade lunch
12:15    Organize pantry
1 PM    Baby down for second nap
1:15     Vacuum
2:00     Dust
2:30     Bond sweetly with my child
3:00     Organize toys
3:30     Put away Halloween stuff
4:00     Catch up on school work
4:30     Pick up child at preschool
5:00     Make dinner

Here is how my day is actually going:

6:00      Ignore my children as they wake up
6:45      Breakfast/Arguing
7:45      Leave for preschool
8:00      Get gas
8:30      Get lost while trying a new route  
9:30      Walk with friend
10:30    Lay on the couch, watch Sesame Street/Mindy Project while child crawls around
10:45    Find child with battery in mouth, get off couch
11:00    Start a load of laundry, forget to press "start" on the dryer
11:30    Give my child a semi-nutritious lunch, give myself Halloween candy
12:30    Try to get my child to take a nap
1:00      Try to get my child to take a nap
1:30      Try to get my child to take a nap
2:00      Finish Mindy Project and watch New Girl while putting away batteries
2:30      Write mediocre blog entry
3:00      Pick-up house, or . . . nap?

Clearly I should get going.

That nap is not going to take itself.

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