Friday, November 22, 2013

TLSU Game Recommendation

Some people are game people, some people are not.

Some people's families get together and break out cards and board games, other people's families get together and break out the booze. To each his own, I say!

Personally, I didn't grow up in a big game-playing family (draw your own conclusions). In fact, the competitive nature of games makes me tense and itchy, because I am bad at games and always lose. However, this weekend I discovered a game that is so insanely funny that you couldn't possibly care about losing, or about how you've never won a game in your entire life and your husband always wins and how that is so annoying.

It's called Cards Against Humanity.

If you've ever played Apples to Apples, you are familiar with the premise. It is basically an extremely adult version of the same game. I can't even give you examples of the cards because my mom reads this blog and she would be so mad at me. Just go to the website.

Incidentally, if you consider yourself politically-correct in any way, probably don't play this game. If you think you can handle it, I would advise playing late at night, when you are kind of tired and perhaps a little intoxicated.

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