Thursday, December 19, 2013

Give Me Pasta Or Give Me Death

Hello. I wanted to let you know that I have been spending time drawing a picture for a different blog today. That is, not this blog. That is, I've been cheating on you.

As I've mentioned before, I am a fan of the blog siriouslydelicious. Basically everything I've ever cooked with moderate success has been found there. You should check it out.

Well, you can imagine my absolute delight when Siriouslydelicious announced a contest to recreate her signature image of the sexy ladies eating spaghetti. [Details here.] Has anything ever been more up my alley? I had to do it.

So, without further ado, I give you the spaghetti girls as seen by The Lazy Stand-Up. I call this piece

"Salad Is For Losers."

Do you think I should submit it????? Do you think the cool blog will like it????? Am I going to get asked to prom??????

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