Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hustle and Fail

Well, I coached my first basketball game last night, and let me just tell you, it did not go well.

Here are a three things I learned about coaching basketball:

1. After the other team scores, and your girls are about to bring the ball down the court, that is NOT an okay time to call for subs. If you call for subs at that time, the ref will stop the game and come over to yell at you. You will feel very stressed and confused, and you'll feel like you might cry, but you won't actually cry (thank god).

2. You should definitely know the difference between Rachel and Lauren. If you don't, then you might accidentally tell Lauren to go in and sub for Lauren. Then she will look at you like "Oh, you're insane" or "Oh, you don't even know my name." Neither is really great for player morale.

3. If you are bad at coaching, you might at one point catch the coaches from the other team laughing at you. It will bother you a lot -- you will (again) feel like you're going to cry. But you don't. Later, you cry in your pillow as you go to sleep.

The worst part is we have another game right now. I am sweating preemptively.


  1. Maybe you need a pep talk from Emily. She might also share her ACL repair pictures with you.

  2. Yes! I need some advice from good 'ol "3-Pointer Hestness."


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