Monday, March 17, 2014


The Lazy Stand-Up is about to get un-lazy, everyone.

This Saturday, March 22nd, I am going to actually leave my house after 9PM and go perform live comedy! What? Can you even believe it?

The show is called: OMG: Before We Got Our Lady Bits and it's improv based on old middle and high school journals, diaries, and notes. I thought that sounded pretty much amazing, so I threw my name in the pool to participate, and here we are. It's GO TIME.

My main concern is not that I will be bad at improv (which, don't get me wrong, is a concern) but more that I will actually fall asleep on stage because the show starts at 10:30 PM. That's kind of late.

But anyway, if you're in the area and would like to see a bunch of female improvisors create funny scenes based on awkward tweenage angst, come on down! It'll be so awesome.

Informative link:

1 comment:

  1. This is very exciting news, Molly! Good luck! Are you familiar with Mortified? I saw one of the Mortified Live shows (which was hilarious), but have not yet seen the movie. Check it out:


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