Monday, April 14, 2014

Hiatus, Bo, and The Clip-Show of Blogging

I've been taking a little bit of a hiatus, as two of you have undoubtedly noticed. I'm not totally sure why, but I think it has to do something with the fact that I don't actually have really clever things to say every day, or even every week.

I do have clever things to say, of course, (because I'm me) but in order to post to the internet and ask you to read them, I feel it should be really clever. And that's where I'm having doubts.  I don't want to push out a product that I don't fully believe in -- though this post may have been an exception.

So I'm going to continue this respite, and maybe stock up some material to share with you later on. In my absence, I'll share with you my latest obsession: Bo Burnham.

He is a comic/musician/musical-theater-nerd/performance artist who blows my mind. Some of his stuff is a little offensive, so maybe he's not for everyone, but wow. He's kind of a genius.

He has an hour-long special on YouTube and Netflix called "what." and you should at least just watch the beginning because I've watched it like eight times and I think I'm pretty cool. Here is the YouTube link:

Not to sell myself short, in honor of one whole year of blogging, (happy blog-birthday to me! weeeeeeee!) here are some of my favorite posts from times gone by:

The one where I make fun of Two and Half Men

My Dentist Shame

Stay-at-Home Mom

My Extended Family at Weddings

A Scathing Review of Curious George


In the Middle of the Night

Why Birthday Cards Are Difficult to Buy

Literary Analysis: There's a Hole in My Bucket Dear Liza

Hey . . . look at that. I had some good ones! Good for me!

Finally, if you'd like to see me improvise LIVE, I'm performing at HUGE Theatre again on Saturday, April 26th, during their 10:30 PM "OMG" show . . . come on down if you are awake!

Au revoir, mon ami. (I do not habla French.)

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