Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What's Going On?

Since I have not been writing much, I thought you might be interested in what I have been doing. Here is a recap:

1. I've been looking out of windows like these:
That is SNOW. Piled up that high. You can't even see and I am on the SECOND FLOOR.

(I'm on the first floor, but still.)

2. I've been reading THIS:
A book of hilarious essays by B.J. Novak -- my new writing hero. You have to check it out. It is so much better than this blog, I'd almost be sad except I'm too busy laughing at the book.

3. I've been watching THIS.
I know, I know -- we're a little behind at my house. But what's weird is that I've had four different people tell me how much I have to watch this show, because apparently I remind them of Lena Dunham (main character). And that is a weird premise under which to watch a show. It's like that time I worked in a department store and everyone kept saying I looked "exactly like Tammy." And then Tammy came back from maternity leave and I was like "You guys are mean."

Anyway. That's what's been up with me. How about you?

Can you see out your windows?

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