Wednesday, November 5, 2014

10 Things That Only People Who Saw A Mouse While Eating Their Cereal This Morning Will Understand

1. That mouse was just straight-up in your house.

2. That mouse seriously just walked across your floor like it owned the place.

3. That mouse did not even look scared when you screamed, so it will attack you if threatened.

4. That mouse probably crawled over your face last night when you were sleeping.

5. That mouse is definitely pregnant.

6. That mouse's poop is probably all over your house, and you will never find it all, so you may as well just move right now.

7. No one will ever buy your mouse-poop-ridden house.

8. You will never buy your children Rice Crispies again because that crap dries on the floor like some sort of supersonic superglue which is definitely why this godforsaken mouse is in your stupid disgusting house.

9. You will sleep at your mom's house tonight and forever.

10. You will murder that mouse . . . that is, you will make your husband murder that mouse.

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