Friday, January 16, 2015

What Type of 7th Grade Girl Are You?

Have you ever wondered what type of seventh grader girl you would be, if you were a seventh grade girl? Well, take this quiz to find out!

1. Your teacher assigns you a chapter to read for homework. You:
A) Don't do it, tell your teacher you didn't know there was any homework even though you totally did.
B) Wait until the next day and then guilt your friend into letting you copy theirs before class.
C) Skim it.
D) Read it and email your teacher six questions about it.

2. Your best friend tells you about their secret crush. You:
A) Keep it under your hat indefinitely.
B) Find the secret crush, tell them about your friend, and laugh laugh laugh.
C) Decide you like that same person now and your friend needs to back off.
D) Trade the information with a few friends for even juicier dirt.

3. Someone takes your seat at the regular lunch table. You:
A) Steal their Izze and call them the B-word.
B) Respectfully take your seat with the weirdos.
C) Burst into tears and hideout in the bathroom.
D) Find a teacher and share this tragic tale.

4. After you bomb your math test, you:
A) Hit the books hard and hire a tutor.
B) Tell your mom that the teacher is bad and you can't concentrate in class because the others kids are so ill-behaved.
C) Laugh and show all of your friends. Being dumb is hilarious!
D) Don't even realize it because you don't know what 15/40 makes.

5. Someone at the lunch table brings egg salad. You:
B) Ask for a bite.
C) Ask how many calories are in egg salad.
D) Politely ask this person to relocate.

6. You are called out in class for inappropriate behavior. You:
A) Give the teacher the dirtiest look you can muster; that'll teach her for calling you out.
B) Apologize quietly and refocus.
C) Ask to use the restroom, then go text your mom that your teacher is harassing you AGAIN.
D) Cry.

Q1: A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1; Q2: A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2; Q3: A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2; Q4: A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2; Q5: A-4, B-1, C-2, A-3; Q6: A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

19-24 points: You are a JENNIFER. When things don't go your way, you tell your mom and she makes it right. No one can stop you from getting what's yours. Also, you think boys are cute.

13-18 points: You are a KENDRA. You are in it to win it. And no one can stop you -- except probably Jennifer because she is kind of scary. I mean, you're totally going to invite her to your sleepover this weekend, because she is so funny, but you probably will hide some of the personal stuff in your room before she gets there. Just in case.

10-12 points: You are a DEENA. You just want to blend in to the menagerie of junior high. You don't totally get what's going on all of the time, and sometimes people yell at you, but overall you're satisfied to lay low and watch anime videos on YouTube. You are also on a diet.

6-9 points: You are an ELLIE. You know that life doesn't end in middle school, and you've got your eyes on the prize: adulthood! All you need to get there are straight A's and constant affirmation from your teachers. If an adult says you're smart, then it must be true, for the next ten minutes. After those ten minutes are up, you'll need to check back in with them to make sure you are still smart.

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